Mujra is a traditional dance in many parts of India. This is a hot dance involving stripping to the buff. The roots of this exotic dance go all the way to Pakistan, where the Mughals enjoyed their feast nights with a hawt mujra. This widen out to India. Though the Mughals let after some years, this dance stayed back. It was performed by courtesans in the palaces of India. They were played for the kings or to entertain guests. The kings have left and the places turned to museums but mujra had other plans. It still stayed back as exotic as it started out. The royalty still holds and it is played in affluent houses and settings. A rich lesbo party or an fuckfest is where it is usually played those days. Hawt beauties dance to a hawt tune See those 2 cuties put on a hot mujra dance. It is the winding up of a rich party where a cabaret is replaced by a traditional mujra. 2 college angels receive lascivious enough to put on a show. One is an non-professional and the other is a dancer. The non-professional is the curvy one and greater amount marvelous. She is clad in a cream colored top and puts on a dance. That babe is so hawt that the people gathered ask her to disrobe. She puts on a tease and takes off her top. That babe is so hawt in her red brassiere and panty. The other girl joins in and dances in traditional steps. But people are amused by the non traditional item dance performed by the amateur. She has become so horny that u can watch her camel toe peeping throughout her juicy panty. This babe is the ultimate tease as she pushes her panty well below her bikini line with a fluid and lusty motion.
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